The idea of camping makes many of us want to go on such a trip a lot. If you can’t spend a week somewhere close to the beach in a beautiful hotel, you can always relax somewhere close to nature. Just imagine. You are staying in the woods, looking at the beautiful sky, cooking some tasty food on a campfire, thinking about life, collecting berries, looking at the animals, and enjoying the fresh air. That is a real way to relax and get rid of all the stress you may get from city life. But there are camping hacks that can make your trip even better. The only disadvantage of camping is that after living in a city we find it uncomfortable to stay in the woods. But the truth is that no one needs to struggle as we know how to make camping very comfortable. Just read these hacks before camping and enjoy your trip!
Don’t Dream About Pancakes. Cook them.
This food hack can work not just for pancakes but also for other similar meals. We just love pancakes a lot. And not only in the apartment. Just imagine how awesome it is to wake up breathing the fresh air and getting a plate full of delicious pancakes!

To make such a yummy breakfast possible when you are camping you simply need to prepare the pancake mix at home. Once it is done, just take any empty bottle of mustard or ketchup and fill it with that mix. This «pancake bottle» will help you make pancakes fast, and trust us this breakfast will be one of the best ones in your life.
Remember To Take Your Belt
Once we are staying in the woods, we understand what comfortable lives we have in our cities. But when we are camping even easy things are struggles: it may be difficult to have a comfortable place to sit or hang some stuff so that you won’t need to pack it to unpack again later. If you feel like these problems apply to your camping life, we have 2 solutions.

For comfortable sitting don’t forget camping chairs next time which is a pretty obvious idea. But our hack for the hanging issue may be new for you. Just take some S-hooks and wear a belt. So now when you want to hang something, just put this belt around a tree trunk and add the hooks to locate anything you want there. Cool and easy, right?
A boombox in the woods
It is not so easy to make a real party when you are staying in the woods and all you can see is nature, not some DJ sets. Someone needs to take the whole stereo system to make such a party possible, otherwise, people won’t prefer to listen to the music while camping.

Nature brings peace and calmness but that doesn’t mean it is necessary to stay without music all the time. But what if we say that even a usual phone can give you a good sound if we add some magic? Just put your phone into the cup and the sound will be just like from the 80s boombox. It couldn’t be easier but the cool sound will shock you!
This Way They Won’t Crack
Making some eggs for breakfast is great not only when you are sitting in your house but even when you are waking up somewhere in a tent. But taking eggs with you may be a very bad idea. Just think how many chances to crack these eggs you will have when you are packing, walking and so on.

It will not only leave you without eggs but will even spoil your stuff. But if you crack the eggs at home and take the liquid made out of them in a bottle, you won’t have any troubles. You can make your life even easier: write a scale on that bottle to see the number of eggs used. Now you can eat eggs for the breakfast and even treat your friends you are camping with.
No Spoons?
Our lives are so convenient that it is even hard to imagine how people could live earlier. So if we forget something that we need when we go on a trip, we can feel truly helpless trying to find out how could people deal with this many years ago.

But luckily we can be very creative and make new things out of other ones. So here is a hack if you suddenly realize that you’ve forgotten a big spoon at home. You probably have an empty coke bottle, and actually, it’s all you need. Just cut a spoon and it will be very durable.
Rosemary Hack
When it comes to eating grilled meat, everyone is up, although marination never makes people excited. It is so because the process can be very annoying and long, especially if you are not a pro. But people have been eating meat for so many centuries while marination is a new thing. So what did they do before?

The hack is extremely easy thanks to old methods of cooking. You don’t need to make a mix of roasted herbs, you only need to put the rosemary into the fire when you are cooking. After this, the smoke will be different because of the herb. Your meals will be delicious and you don’t need to stuck with the marination process.
Make A Washing Device
We are sure that everyone has experienced such a situation. Feels like yesterday. You are setting up a tent or cooking and then you see that your hands are too dirty so you want to clean them. And this is when you start struggling because using some water bottles, taking them with dirty hands is never a good idea, so you are searching for the restroom or heading to the river which takes time.

But you can try this to destroy the problem. Stick a plastic bottle with water to the tree somewhere in your campsite, and then attach some pantyhose right there. You can also add liquid soap into the pantyhose. That’s it, you just created a very convenient washing station.
DIY Freezer
When we go camping we always try to take a certain kind of food as we can’t take a refrigerator with us. But it sounds so tempting to take some cool beers, eggs for breakfast, or something else that we start thinking about finding ice somewhere.

But ice cubes located in your container with food won’t help you as these cubes will melt in some hours or a day max. So we offer you take frozen water gallons. Huge gallons will stay frozen for a day or two which is great for maintaining your food with a nice temperature. Once this water is defrosted, you can drink it.
Biodegradable Tape
Putting duct tape into your backpack when you are going on a camping trip is a normal thing as it truly can help you with something. There is a chance that you will need to put it on the trees to mark your itinerary in case you get lost, or maybe you will just need to stick any stuff to some trees.

If you are the one who loves bringing tapes, then our piece of advice is to purchase a biodegradable one, so that you will be confident that no harm will be made to nature. Otherwise, your usual plastic tapes will need almost 1000 years to be fully eliminated. Oh, and if you are afraid that these eco-tapes are very expensive, don’t worry as the price is normal.
Protect Your Toilet Paper
Do you remember that time when the pandemic just started? Everyone was running to the stores to purchase toilet paper. That’s how we learned that this product has such a high value for us. The same goes for camping lovers as they need toilet paper as well.

And if you are a camper, then we recommend you to find a big container that has a cut so that the toilet paper can be easily taken from it. Maybe you understand even now how useful this hack is because in this case your toilet paper won’t be spoiled by rain or dirt. With this method, you will always have dry paper for your sensitive skin.
A Different Kind Of Ice Cream
Life without snacks wouldn’t be as happy as it is. And it is definitely better for your mood to have some snacks even during camping, however, don’t forget about hygiene when you are eating something in the woods. But we have a solution for all of you who want to have snacks even on a trip safely.

The things we will tell you about are called «camping cones», although they don’t have any official name. When you prepare all sweets, chips, or fruits just stop and make a cone out of aluminum foil which you should take with you. Once you make this cone, put all the snacks inside, heat everything just a little bit, and then offer the snacks to your friends. Safe and tasty!
Do You Really Need A Huge Kit?
Coming to any trip without a first aid kit is unsafe, and especially if we talk about camping. Pills and other items can help you a lot and even save your life if something goes wrong. So don’t underrate its value and take all necessary items with you. You can put them in an empty prescription bottle or something similar as it is easy to carry it.

You can put this bottle right into your pocket so that when you or any of your friends need something from first aid you will help immediately, so all sudden illnesses or scratches will be healed. Don’t forget to take painkillers, antiseptic cream, band-aids, and some pills.
Wash Your Clothes Easy
What do we usually do when our clothes get dirty? Well, we just put them in a washing machine until they are clean again, right? But if we are camping, taking such a machine even with a portable generator is a crazy idea unless someone is really ready to do it. But what we can recommend is making something very similar to the washing machine but with specific details.

While a machine uses electricity to work, your method will require some muscles instead. So here is what you need to do: make a hole on the lid of your bucket, put a plunger in it and that’s it, now you can just put your dirty laundry there adding water and liquid soap.
Upgrade Them Matches
As we already told you we believe that campfire is what you can’t imagine real camping without. It is where the best stories are told and the most life-changing moments are happening. But for a good fire, you need matchsticks. The problem is that the boxes with them can be lost easily or just be so wet that it’s useless to make a fire with them.

But we found a great solution: now we put our matchsticks in a small plastic case. But that’s not it, we also think that it is a great idea to glue sandpaper on the top side of this case because this material can be very long-lasting and you can use it even if it’s raining.
Marshmallows Are Out Of Fashion
When we are thinking about camping we immediately get this picture of people sitting with marshmallows around the campfire. It is really cool and tasty but everyone does it now and when something is used by everyone sometimes you don’t want to do this as well. Here is why marshmallows are not as popular as before because they became so mainstream that it is annoying. But don’t be freaked out, we know a new perfect snack for campfires.

Yes, we are talking about crescent rolls and we promise that it is hard to stop eating them especially if you add some jam or Nutella or even marshmallows. We know campers who really enjoy making hotdogs from these rolls and turns out it is really tasty. It may be hard for you to knead the dough but once you try it you will get it’s not so difficult.
Entertain The Kids
Some people really enjoy family campings which means they bring kids with them. In such a situation, the trip won’t be calm because children’s hype and energy are inevitable. So if you feel like you don’t want to argue with them asking to be calmer and giving you some rest, just make them feel very tired before the evening comes.

Here is the idea! Scavenger hunting will save you. Ask kids to go hunting for different stuff but make sure that these things are not so easy to find, so that when they finally find everything they will feel really exhausted. In this case, your children will fall asleep fast making you enjoy the silence and peaceful evening.
Sometimes when people are staying in the woods, they think they need to deprive themselves of favorite morning rituals. And if tea lovers can still enjoy their favorite tea, then coffee lovers know it is not smart to bring a big coffee can. Of course, it is possible to buy something at the camping site but their coffee can taste not so good.

But we have great news! All you need is doing something like small coffee bags with your favorite coffee inside. Just purchase paper filters and some dental floss. Simply put the necessary amount of coffee into these filters and tie them up using dental floss. Here you go! Now you can drink your coffee the same way as your tea-loving friends.
Add A Layer
Everyone knows that if you are camping, traveling, or hiking backpack is the most useful bag type as it is comfortable and spacious. However, if it’s raining then all your stuff inside the backpack will be wet and maybe even damaged, and you probably had this experience.

But we are ready to share another secret with you to protect your backpack from such an incident. All you need to do is to put a plastic bag inside covering the backpack from all sides from the inside. It is simply another layer of material that will make you feel protected knowing that your stuff won’t be wet even if it’s raining.
Sage Vs Mosquitoes
Meeting with mosquitoes when you are camping is the worst even for the ones who are not afraid of insects. But Americans historically believe that sage can make mosquitoes afraid of coming to the places where the sage is located.

No one knows exactly if it helps but recent research made scientists get to the conclusion that 6 of 10 mosquitoes go away when they smell sage. Even if this method won’t solve the problem, it still will make the possibilities of struggling because of mosquitoes lower. It is not difficult to pack some sage but it may save you from the awful insects!
Couscous Or Rice
Eating snacks and meat is absolutely not enough for a successful camping time, as people will miss carbs as well. But unfortunately, boiling rice is not easy as you need to stay near it a lot of time and be very attentive. That is why so many people don’t cook rice while camping. But we can offer you a great alternative known as couscous.

To cook couscous, you should make water boil and that’s it. When you add couscous to this boiling water, you need to wait for 5 minutes only. As you can see, this meal is very good for camping as its cooking is easy and fast. Besides, its taste is nice and it will create enough energy in you so that you will be able to do sports, or walk, or swim with less fatigue.
‘Hey Guys! Where Are My Keys?’
Now a lot of people will feel personally «attacked» because who didn’t get in such a situation? We are guilty too! We put the car or house keys into our pockets all the time, so when we suddenly decide to swim we can forget to take the keys out.

As a result, they just disappear somewhere in the water depth. But do you know there is a chance to avoid it? Just get a keyring made out of a wine cork as it will break the surface even if you accidentally lose it in the river. Besides, it is not only useful but also stylish.
Save Your Back From Discomfort
This hack will be great for you if you want to have a good sleep when you are camping. All you need is a rubber tile for the floor which you can get in any kids store. But they are not great for kids only, they are lifesaving for many campers. It is a normal situation when our back hurts after sleeping in a tent.

The thing is that it is almost impossible to locate a tent on a flat and comfortable surface in the wood. And here is when the rubber tile can save your back! One more advantage is that such tiles are very easy to carry and can be adjusted to any kind of tent. Say hi to your healthy back!
‘My Doritos Are On Fire!’
Who can deny that camping without fire would lose its unique atmosphere? You simply can’t cook a meal without fire, you can’t be warm, you even can’t see anything, besides, evening fires create such a special feeling. However, you probably don’t know that you don’t need a huge package of charcoal for a good fire. Instead, you can just take…

Doritos. It is even possible to make a good steak creating a fire based on Doritos only. Of course, these chips can’t be used as a new fuel type but still, they can be very useful when you go camping. Besides, if you don’t need to create a fire, you and your friends will enjoy them anyway as a snack.
Romance In The Woods
If you are camping with your soulmate, then you two are probably very romantic ones. Looking at the sky, searching for the constellations, talking about deep things being surrounded with nature… Everything sounds like a dream but no doubt you will be glad to make your time together even more romantic and there is a nice hack for that.

Candles are definitely prohibited in the woods as it is too unsafe and can be a cause of a wood fire. However, if you still want a romantic dinner, you can simply locate the candles on the long sticks saving the wood from the fire but creating this fire in the eyes of your loved one.
Make Unpacking A Ritual
What is the worst moment when you are going on a trip? The answers may differ but no doubts that many of you hate unpacking. When you are packing stuff, it may be boring but exciting because of the upcoming trip. Unpacking is not interesting at all though. Do you remember the moment when you need to put your hygiene stuff back in your bathroom?

It doesn’t feel nice, besides, some products can be lost. If you hate such moments, then straws made out of plastic are right for you. It is very easy to make them. You need to cut a small part of such a straw, put there something you need, and finally seal it using a lighter. Now you don’t need to carry too big products and you can just throw them out after the camping.
Make The Water Glow
If you are shocked now thinking that the water can glow, then, unfortunately, we need to disappoint you. But this hack is still very cool and still needs water. Do you remember that combination of a phone and a cup that create a cool sound? The combination of something creating light and a water bottle works in the same way.

So take your phone or a small lamp and locate it near the water demijohn. The result will be very beautiful: the light will be so much brighter. This useful idea helps you to save space in your backpack without taking a huge lamp with you. Isn’t it a win-win?
Stay Clean
Bringing a soap for your camping trip is a great idea but thinking about taking the whole bar may bring some doubts. But what if you peel your soap just like you peel vegetables? Of course, you’ve never thought about it as this hack is stupid for city life but it is very useful for campers. All you need is to make some pieces of this soap and put them into your backpack or pocket.

If you decide to do this, you’ll be surprised how many problems you will solve. First of all, you won’t need to carry a heavy soap bar. The second advantage is that you won’t need to bring the dirty soap back home. And the last thing is that you still will have soap with you and wash your hands anytime.
Wax is your good friend
Getting into the situation when your zipper is stuck is so annoying… But if it happens when you are somewhere hiking, it can even make you mad. Luckily, we have a secret that can help you and your «zipper situation». So you may be thinking what is this secret? The answer is a wax candle.

All you need to do is to rub your wax candle on the problematic zipper which will lubricate it. Finally, your zipper will work again without any problems, thanks to the wax. It may be helpful not only when you can’t zip your jacket but also when you are setting up your tent which has a lot of zippers! Just imagine what a small candle can do!
Coals, Not Eggs
Meals that are cooked on a grill during camping always have a special place in the heart. But if you want to make many steaks or some chicken parts for all of your friends, you will need to have a big bag of coal which is really heavy. Carrying this, knowing that not all coals will be needed anyway, is simply stupid.

But there is a solution for every problem. Don’t put empty egg cartons into the trash and save them for the camping as you can put small coals right there. In this case, you will need just one or two cartoons for the meal prepping which won’t be heavy to carry at all. Besides, your backpack won’t get dirty. So simple but so effective!
Cake Carrier To Your Defence
One of the most pleasant moments while camping is setting a nice table with some delicious meals. But if the weather isn’t treating you well and it is really windy, it will annoy you a lot. In this case, all small things like napkins, toothpicks, and such stuff will always fly from your place making you go and find it all the time.

But cake carriers can help you with this a lot. These plastic items can save everything from flying from your table, no matter how windy it is. As a result, you can sit and enjoy the meals without any worries!
Silica Gel Packets
Almost every time you purchase a new item you can find a silica gel packet in your package. You are probably wondering why do you need it or maybe you even don’t notice it. The thing is that these packets absorb humidity so that this stuff stays new before someone buys it. But it may be useful for campers even after.

As you all understand, you can’t avoid humidity when you are hiking, and that is why these packets can play their role once again. Put them on your stuff to make your things dry. You can even try and put these packets right in your tent and maybe you will wake up not in a very wet surrounding.
Keep Your Shoes Clean
No doubts that your shoes won’t stay clean after camping. And even taking one more pair with you doesn’t mean you will be satisfied with its condition. However, we know how to have a pair that is fully clean: just take a shower cap with you. And no, it doesn’t mean that you will be able to take a shower there, but your shoes located in this cap will stay as clean as possible.

Probably you are not sure that you will need clean shoes after camping but you definitely will. Imagine sitting in your car in dirty shoes while you are driving home. And if you decide to have dinner in a cafe near your camping site, you will also need some clean shop, so don’t devalue this hack.
Reuse Your Tic Tac Box
Every person who considers himself as a camper should use the Tic Tac boxes for a deeper reason than just eating the candies. These containers are tiny but imagine how many spices you will be able to take with you just with some boxes. One more thing, the boxes are not just comfortable, they are also really handy, so pouring any spices like pepper or salt while you are cooking will be easy.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the same box several times and change what’s inside. Besides, thanks to spices the meals will be delicious. And the last but not least thing is that using one box makes you eco-friendly as you don’t change boxes all the time.
Improve And Chill
People who love camping for walking instead of chilling are never happy when they are setting up their tents as it takes a lot of time. As a result, such impatient people purchase pop-up tents which are very easy to be set up. But good things always have disadvantages: such tents are not strong enough and they can fall if the weather is bad for them.

However, you can solve this problem easily because all you need is a pool noodle which you need to put into the tent’s structure. This noodle will be used as one more base which will make such a tent more durable even when it’s raining.
Make A Heater
Camping doesn’t mean enjoying nature somewhere in the middle of July only. Many people really want to go on a camping trip when it’s winter which is exciting but not so easy. If it is similar to your desires, then probably you are struggling with your sleeping bag that doesn’t make you feel warm enough.

In this case, you can just heat a water bottle that will help you. You probably know that water keeps warmth very well, so if you put a heated water bottle close to your feet, it will be your personal heater at night. Just pour water in a pan and when it becomes hot just put it in your bottle, however, if it’s sunny your bottle can be heated by the sun’s rays as well.
Decorate Your Space
Who was afraid of darkness when was a kid? Probably everyone as we truly felt that all these ghosts, zombies, killers, or whoever we were afraid of were waiting for us in the darkness. Based on that, staying somewhere in the woods at night probably still doesn’t sound very exciting even if the whole camping idea does.

However, here is the solution for you, and you don’t need to take tons of lamps for this. Find an empty jar and paint it inside using some glow-in-the-dark paint, then leave this jar under the sun rays so that it will glow at night. You can also attach a rope to this jar to be able to hang it outside. Lovely and easy.
Better Than You Think
It is truly exciting to collect food in the woods and cook it immediately. If you have never done this, you definitely should. You can go fishing or collect some mushrooms or berries. But if the weather isn’t good, you may be left without any meals. That is why adding some non-perishable food is essential for such a trip.

You can purchase any canned meals which you prefer the most but have you ever tried canned bread? It will be great for your strength and energy and can be easily made at home. Besides, you can create different flavors making it very delicious.
Camp Smart
Since our childhood, we know that fresh air is very good for our health. But going to the park or riding a bicycle somewhere in the mountains is not the same as camping somewhere in the woods because the first activities require only basic safety rules, while camping can be dangerous.

When we are talking about avoiding danger while camping, that means not only coming to the safe areas but also knowing what plants can be poisonous. We think it is essential to read some main information about poisonous plants to protect yourself in advance. Many flowers are very pretty but you never know what damage they can bring to your health, so preparation and reading can save your life.
Use Your Friend As A Hot Water Bottle
You probably never thought about it but if you purchase a sleeping bag for two people it will bring you many advantages. The only thing is that there should be a friend you’d like to spend the night with talking about everything. So what can such a bag be useful for?

The first advantage is that if you are staying with your friend you will be able to have a great and probably deep conversation because this atmosphere will be very special. Another advantage is that it is pretty comfortable to lay here. And, most importantly, if it is getting cold at night, your temperature together with your buddy’s temperature will make it warmer for both of you, while other campers will freeze alone.
Get The Right Chairs
If you really love campings for the chill time, then here is the idea to make you even more relaxed. Just take some seat hammocks with you if you are going by car. Such hammocks are exactly what you may need when you are exhausted and all you want is just sitting somewhere trying not to think about anything.

Usual hammocks can be not very comfortable although these seats are absolutely perfect. If you are thinking now: «But why should I bring these seats instead of normal chairs?» then here is the answer. Sitting on these seats you will be higher than the ground level knowing that all the bugs are not close to you. Besides, you can take a nice nap!
Sachets Are Important
Who doesn’t want a cup of hot coffee waking up somewhere in the woods? Everyone does, no matter if it’s a camping trip or just a normal day in a city. We have an idea of how to make this possible at an affordable price. Just go to any store and find some coffee sachets, as they are exactly what you need.

The price for these sachets is normal and you can find any kind of coffee and any flavor that you or your friend may need. And of course, it is great that you won’t need to take a huge coffee can with you. Don’t forget about these products as they can be very useful as you may see.
A shampoo lamp!
We all have seen and probably used those little shampoo bottles which we can find in the hotels or purchase specifically for the trips. But when these bottles get empty, we usually put them into the trash, right? Now you will be shocked but these bottles can be used for another purpose: we can turn them into some tiny lamps.

All you need to do is to find kerosene and pour some into this bottle, then purchase a wick and locate it inside this bottle as well. The next step is lighting the wick up, however, if it would be hard to do just add an old rag. Don’t forget to find a cap for your bottle, it will make it safer.
A New Cheese Recipe
It is hard not to love cheese as it can be very delicious. Of course, you can bring some pieces but we have a better solution. Take some cheese and put it into the wax packages as it is cool, convenient, and definitely useful. The biggest advantage of this hack is that such a cheese can be without a freezer for one week.

Besides, there is a thought that these cheese snacks have better flavor. It is cool to eat it as a snack or put it on your canned bread because this melted cheese in combination with something will taste so good. You should try it!
Heat Starbursts
We all know how delicious marshmallows are when we heat them a bit but starbursts can be not worse. Someone has tried it once by accident but what he got just blew his mind as this flavor is something you will never forget. Here is how you need to heat the starburst.

You should put it above the campfire until it becomes so hot that it will be sizzling. As a result, you will get a double sweet layer that is crunchy outside and viscous in a good way inside. We can’t explain the flavor but trust us it feels like heaven.
Food lovers and especially bakery lovers probably know how tasty сinnabons are. But if they hear about canned «сinnabons» they won’t be excited as it doesn’t sound tasty. Now wait! Don’t think too bad about this recipe, as we promise we will change your mind.

First of all, take one orange, cut it into 2 halves just like you can see in the picture, and throw the flesh away so that the rind only will stay untouched. Now put some tasty buns inside and start cooking when you are somewhere near the campfire. Not only you but all of your friends will enjoy this meal.