Ball Python Facts

Beautiful ball pythons exist. They have distinctive color patterns and changes, making them seem like living works of art. There are now roughly 6,500 morphs, steadily growing as breeders make every effort to create the rarest morph that hasn’t yet been discovered. As more of these breeds are hunted for their skin and meat, humans have raised the threat level they pose to these animals. Humans have also removed Ball Pythons from their natural environment and sold them in pet stores and zoos abroad. Although they may not now be in danger of extinction, these species are directly routinely harmed.

  1. Ball pythons are excellent pet snakes.

A ball python can be the finest choice if you’re seeking an exotic pet because it’s non-venomous and can handle it once a day. They also have lovely patterns and a variety of morphs that captivate you for a while.

  • They are not the dominant species in the ecosystem.

The fact that ball pythons are the tiniest snakes and don’t belong at the top of the food chain is a startling illustration of ball python facts. Other predators in the wild like eating them as well. Giant snakes, frogs, owls, and other animals may all hunt them. Although humans, who kill them for their skin and flesh, are still the most hazardous predators for hatchlings, they are also the most vulnerable.

  • Ball Pythons often lose their skin.

Ball pythons lose their skin every 5 to 7 weeks, making them irritable and anxious. However, as it is a normal part of their process, don’t worry about it. It’s better to leave the ball python alone when it sheds. It is not advised to pick it up and hold it since they could bite. Furthermore, they typically won’t eat when shedding.

  • They’re well-liked in zoos.

Because they are unique and entertaining to hold, ball pythons are a huge hit with visitors at most zoos and wildlife centers. They also have a longer lifespan, and although they are not as frightening as other enormous snakes, they may give children the willies.

  • They can have 100 teeth and flat skulls.

Ball pythons have smooth, square-shaped heads. Because of their strong jaw muscles have flat skulls, boxy noses, and somewhat puffed-out eyes. Although they are not poisonous, these snakes may have over 100 fangs if you are not careful enough.

  • They can hunt well.

Ball pythons are endowed with traits that might benefit them when hunting. Because they are fussy feeders and can blend in with their surroundings thanks to the camouflage of their skin, they are prepared to pursue their prey for weeks. Their mouths feature heat-sensing holes allowing them to follow prey even on the darkest nights.

  • Ball pythons only move at night.

Ball pythons are naturally nocturnal creatures, making them excellent nighttime hunters that may not be active during the day. The snake should be allowed to rest during the day. A pet ball python changes its waking hours when maintained in an environment without access to natural light. If you feed them in the morning, they will remain awake.

  • Each year, thousands of ball pythons are exported from Africa.

It is depressing that while some of these pythons are kept in zoos or studied for various purposes, most are being forcibly removed from the wild and sold as pets in the US. Most snakes on the market are wild creatures that may or may not have a chance of surviving in captivity.

  • Obesity can affect ball pythons.

The snake is not to blame for obesity. Instead, responsibility for their eating habits should lie with their handlers or owners, who lack responsibility. Owners must watch out for their pet snakes’ overeating. Ball pythons require feeding every one to two weeks. Knowing more about your snakes as owners are essential to maintaining their health.

  1. They are not dependent on their vision.

Ball pythons have weak eyesight. Therefore they don’t rely on it to find prey since they have a stronger sense of tracking that never fails. They can sense infrared radiation from warm bodies up to one meter distant using their heat pits.

  1. Ball pythons make dependable friends.

A ball python may be purchased for $50 without an enclosure, and because they are calm, they make good pets for those who enjoy keeping reptiles. They are amiable because they enjoy being handled by people.

  1. Their bite does not pose a threat.

Snakes that seldom ever bite are ball pythons. They must bite so forcefully that it breaks the skin if they do. Since they have teeth, you could bleed in several places, but the bite is often not strong.

If you’re interested in keeping a ball python as a pet, look for a breeder at your neighborhood pet store or in the directory of your local reptile club. You’ll probably be caring for your pet snake for the rest of your life because ball pythons may live up to 50 years. Before introducing this peaceful pet into your house, familiarise yourself with all there is to know about ball pythons.
