Bird or a Living Tornado
It has been reported that birds can rotate their head roughly at a speed of 2700 degrees per second. By spinning their head at such a rapid pace, these species can improve their sight. The picture below is clear evidence of this mind-boggling fact making birds one of nature’s exotic and exciting species.
Beauty With Not So Much Grace
Whether you’re a professional photographer or a part-time taking pictures from your phone kind of photographer, an important lesson for you is never to take a picture of an animal when it’s bent like that! You can clearly see why it’s a no-no in the picture.
Taking it for the Gram
Doing it for the Gram is a phrase that is heard too often. It simply means taking and posting that is Instagram-worthy. For example, the picture posted below was taken by an individual while strolling around the coast. One would think he could’ve posted a view of the coast as it would be more scenic.
Two Types of Geese
Now, we have all heard of two types of people. However, have you heard about the two types of geese? Well, there are those that like to chill and live their life and others that love to scare the bejeesus out of people. Don’t believe us? Take a look.
A Surprise Box
A group had a simple task to do, to check the wood duck boxes. They thought it would be nothing and volunteered. However, we hope that they are okay now and recovering from this trauma. It is also their mistake that they underestimated what could be inside the box.
Just A Racoon Being Himself!
No one can ever get enough of raccoon content and are one of the cutest creatures. We all know that they are very busy during the day, searching through the bins. But not many are aware of the things they do at night while we are done for the day.
Aaand Another One..
It is now common to find raccoons in dustbins. They have changed their habitat and are now enjoying the leftover items that we throw. We aren’t sure that the photographer was clicking a picture of but the impeccable timing of the raccoon is to be applauded.
“Anyone There?”
Everyone likes a lonely and peaceful walk out in the woods far from every problem and issue they face in everyday life. There is no doubt that everyone now craves an aesthetic picture and the peace found in nature is something unimaginable.
The Dark Knight
Batman is so overrated now. We have our own batman of this neighborhood. It is someone we can trust and it will make sure that we are safe. Be it any emergency just turn on the signal and your buddy will help you during any time of the day.
Perfect Catch
Played catch with your pet dog? Well, this man behind the camera takes playing catch with animals to a whole other level. You could even call it the perfect hoop. What better way to check your aim than throwing a bright pink ball right between the antlers of a deer?
Damn that’s A Long Way In
You may have seen a pelican yawning and it is something that has amazed many. The way a pelican stretches their beak is phenomenal. No other bird has such flexibility like a pelican. Their beak is designed to hold large quantities of food and other eatables.
Bird Poop but Make It Majestic?
Have you ever lined up a great shot, and then just as you’re about to capture it, something happens that completely changes the vibe of the photograph? Well, here is a great and majestic eagle just living its life on camera and in HD quality too.
Whirlpool Day
We feel bad for this poor duck. It didn’t even get to see the world properly and already everything turned upside down for him. Either it was the force of the pond that got him into an upturned universe. However, we hope he doesn’t stay like this for long.
Traumatized Terry
Terry, the Egyptian egret, has personified and captured the true essence of what it is like to be traumatized. We aren’t sure what it is around Terry, the egret that made him so traumatized, but one thing is for sure, he wants to have nothing to do with it.
Watch Your Step
A zillion thoughts may pop into one’s mind by looking at this picture. The two hind paws and bushy tail could be misleading as one may think of it like a cat. Or it could be a raccoon, a rabbit, or maybe a puppy.
Sealy Dog Eyes
Dogs are known for making adorable puppy dog faces but turns out that seals can do it as cutely! You can see this elephant seal with its big black eyes staring through the wood fence with curiosity, but what for? Well, we don’t really know. No one knows why this cute-eyed elephant seal is watching the humans intensely. Maybe it just wanted to say hello? Or perhaps it smelled food and wanted to be invited over as well for a snack. Regardless of whatever reason, this adorable seal is definitely allowed to come over.“I Look Better, Take Mine!”
The photographer had only planned to take a picture of this beautiful pink bud that is supposed to bloom soon. This flower is one of the most beautiful ones and is known as the peony; however, this bug decided to photo bomb the picture instead.
Hoppity Hop Away
Even though you cannot look at the face of this bird but just by its little hop, you can tell its one happy bird. This is because, just before this picture was taken, this birdie was given food by the photographer, which he munched on then strutted away.
It’s Watching You…
Have you ever tried taking picture of any creature and as soon as you click it the animal stares back at you. It can be a bit frightening and the look of the animal might scare you for the entire night. We hope the photographer had a peaceful sleep.
The Resemblance to Frida Kahlo is Uncanny
This is one adorable deer, don’t you agree? What’s cuter is that it was caught while trying to eat food from the bird feeder. But that’s probably not the first thing you’ll end up noticing. Its brows are standing out and we can’t help but draw the comparison. Can you?
Enjoy the Sleep Just Like This Elephant Seal
This one’s our favorite. Just look at this elephant seal hibernating on the beach, looking like a soft, rubbery rock. Tourists couldn’t tell it apart from a rock till they got up close to see and snap this picture. One thing’s for sure, this seal is our spirit animal.
Who is The New Intruder?
Every individual wishes to have a house with a wide-open space to host grand parties or relax. A lush green backyard seems like a perfect spot to revive your energy after an exhausting week of work. But, unfortunately, such property owners have to welcome some uninvited guests as well.
Is He Reading?!
The creature looks like he has read a john green novel ending. Someone caught her reading a sad-romantic book in the middle of the night. She is confused about what to do in this situation. The urge to sleep or cry while throwing her face in the pillow can be seen from her eyes.
Skunk Leader, Bailey the Cat
This is one quite a popular post when it comes to whacky wildlife photography. A pet owner’s cat named Bailey ran away from home, which led to them putting up a trail camera to see whether it comes back or not. Guess who came back with a bunch of skunks?
Bird as Large as an Adult Human
You’ve seen multiple pictures where people try to hold the sun or the moon with their photography. Not only this, it’s also done with many other objects. How do they do this? It’s all about the focus and the camera setting you choose. Something similar happened here as this bird looks larger than an adult human.
We’ve Got Our Very Own Yogi Bear
You’ve probably seen the show where yogi bear would go around hopping on people’s cars and tables just to steal their picnic baskets. Well, guess what? We’ve got ourselves a real life yogi bear that makes its way into someone’s car.
A Penguin Wedding
You’ll see many researchers visit the Antarctic to study the changes in climate and the wildlife there. One of the most popular animals amongst the masses that live in Antarctica is, of course, the penguin. They’re incredibly interesting creatures and, not to mention, incredibly cute as well.
Tiny Deer on a Fence
There is nothing more satisfying than when two unforeseen events perfectly align together in a picture. We’ve seen people do the leaning tower of Pisa pose, but have you ever seen a tiny deer balance itself on a singular post of a fence? Well, take a look at this shot right here.
Chaotic Wendigos Are the Best Wendigos
If you’ve ever wanted to see an animal capture the true essence of chaos, then there is no animal that does it better than this wendigo. Sure, wendigos are mythological animals, but now we’ve got them on tape, and they’re more chaotic than scary. That’s certainly not what the woman behind the camera expected.
Pipe Snake?
Ever tripped on a pipe at night and thought nothing of it? Well, we’d urge you to take a second look at whatever it is that you tripped on. It could very well be a giant snake just chilling at the corner of your house, just like this one.
Derp Faced Deer
There is no other form of photography that takes more patience than wildlife photography. You can spend hours and hours on the perfect spot with the perfect angle, waiting for an animal to appear. When one finally appears, just as you’re about to take a shot, well, this happens.
A Swamp Love Story?
Perhaps this could be the contemporary version of the Lady and the Tramp or perhaps a Shrek crossover version as well since it takes place in a swamp. This wildlife photo perfectly captures a lady and the tramp moment but with prey and a predator.
Is It Cold Enough?
You may have come across a hairless cat, but have you ever seen a bald squirrel? Well, believe it, or not such squirrels do exist. There could be numerous reasons behind a squirrel’s fur loss; however, nobody has reported it yet. A squirrel of this unusual appearance was roving around the Northern Bruce Peninsula.
Hey Guys! Anythin’ to eat?…
Be aware of the stalker that peeping right from your window. Make sure to close the windows and put down the curtains. You don’t know what his eyes are on. It could be the steak you have in front of you or the glass of wine in your hands.
Hide and Seek
It looks like the bunny is playing hide and seek with its fellow mates and finding new spots. It may break your heart to tell him that he is out in the open and someone can easily spot him. We hope he finds a new and a better spot. We know that the bunny is looking cute trying to blend in with the camouflage. Make sure to not to make any sound as he is enjoying the day peacefully. It is looking so cute while waiting for everyone else to find him. Hope there is no snitch in his team.A Beaten-Up Kid in Disguise:

New Tree Toppers
Now the trend of giving tree toppers and stars is old. We are past that stage. With time people are learning new things and the ideas of new tree toppers are also coming in the market. They are a sleek and classy things to have on a tree.
Smile for the Picture…or Not
You may think this little fur ball is just posing and looking all cute for a photo in this picture, but unfortunately, that’s not the reality. It did not take long for the woman who was taking the picture to realize that the badger was definitely not in the mood.
Let It Go
Goose may seem cute and adorable to you but have you ever seen something like this, we haven’t. A stubborn goose with a seagull in its mouth is something you don’t see every day. For what it looks like, we don’t think any of them will give up.
A Possessive One
You may have seen many dogs and other animals protecting their territory from others. Just like that here we have a squirrel who is the king of the tree. His attitude shows that anyone even thinking of going to his tree can imagine what could happen.
A Deadly Combo
Vultures are one of the most dangerous and scary birds. You wouldn’t want them anywhere near you. In many cultures and beliefs they are associated as bad omen. On the other hand, they are mostly found around carcass and blood. Do you have any of these in your house out in the open?
A Scary Night
There are many different bird watching groups and have the ability to tell the difference between different birds and its species. A photographer wanted to try that and clicked a picture that not only amazed many but also scarred most of them.